This is the first of a sequence of blogs (like my google tips) where I will compare nuances of Mac OSX and Windows XP. The title is lame, I know (the Mac OS "Ten" and Microsoft "Windows"); I didn't want use "VS".
Windows > Mac OSX
In Windows, if you want to open a file/executable/folder (all of which are technically files) you simply have to have the particular file highlighted and press ENTER. Very simple. Easy to remember. Easy to understand.
In Mac OSX, if you want to do the same thing, you have to highlight the particular file and press COMMAND-O (the COMMAND or APPLE button appear where the ALT key appears on PC keyboards). Pressing the ENTER key will allow you to rename the given file! This is ridiculous! They have made it easier/faster to rename a file than to open/execute it. Silly. Very silly.
Mac OSX > Windows
In Mac OSX, you have Safari.
In Windows, you have IE.
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