Ever found yourself stuck on a computer w/o messenger while aching to chat with your friends? If you have, you probably have had some practice with
Web Messenger; a web-based version of MSN Messneger. While web messenger works, it is not nearly as useful or easy to use as the actual thing. And what about AIM or ICQ users? What are they to do?
Well, a few months ago, I found the perfect solution for all MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, AIM, ICQ, Jabber, and GTalk users:
Meebo basically offers a desktop-like experience within your browser; a desktop that will only run an IM client.
After entering "meebo.com" into the address bar of your
favourite browser, you will be welcomed by a page that presents you with the ability to login using whichever IM program you prefer. Then you are presented with somewhat of a virtual desktop in which exists your contact list. You can move this contact list like you can any IM client. You can also double click on contacts to open message windows which you can manipulate as if you were running MSN Messenger on your PC or Mac; you can stretch the window, minimize it, maximize it, close it, and move it anywhere you please (all within the confounds of your browser window).
I have only experienced logging into my MSN account via meebo and have no idea what AIM, ICQ, GTalk, Yahoo Messenger, or Jabber looks like; I assume, exactly the same.
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