Monday, February 06, 2006

FINAL POST (follow up).

Well, I got a few comments on my last post. They were unfortunately all "anonymous" and so I don't really know if they were all written by individual fans, or just one of my friends joking around. I am SURE that my Google Analytics page isn't working properly now because it still says I've received no hits today when clearly I must have if people are commenting. I did, however, check the stats page that GoDaddy provided me with, which, though not telling my how many unique hits I've received, tells me how many server requests I've received. Unfortunately, requests occur A LOT more than unique hits. For instance, when your browser loads an image, it sends a request to a server to send the image. But as it stands, it looks like people have been visiting my site and that something is wrong with my Google Analytic account. I shall resume blogging. I have, however, been blogging and seeding at A site that is still in beta and requires an invite to get in. I have 17 invites left, anybody want one? NewsVine is what I wish digg and slashdot were like. And I really shouldn't have mentioned Slashdot as I have long since forgotten that one. I just couldn't stand looking at all that ugly italicized text. Anyways, NewsVine offers news in two varieties: through the Wire (Associated Press) and through the Vine (user-seeded news and/or personal articles). It also offers commenting and in-line live chatting (there is some amazingly slick code behind that and pretty much the whole site). One feature I will definitely be using, is it has the ability to mirror a user's newswire posts to any other blogging site. This way I don't have to keep up my blogger account and newswire account at the same time. Probably the most interesting feature of all, thought not unveiled yet, is the way ads are handled. Normally, a site like this would keep all the ad earnings to itself, however, with NewsVine, a user keeps 90% of all ad earnings on his/her own column. The other 10% either goes towards whomever invited that user to NewsVine (so please write kick ass columns if you accept my invite) or, if the user was not invited (once NewsVine comes out of its Beta phase, no invites will be needed to access the site), the 10% will simply go back into NewsVine to pay for all that pretty code and bandwidth. I didn't link you to NewsVine because as it stands, no one is allowed to enter until they have been invited; if you go now you will be presented with a pretty login page and that's it. I could take screen captures and post them, but another guy already has, so just check out his personal review of NewsVine. If you want an invitation to NewsVine, email me at leseeley [at] and I will add you to my invite list. I wrote my email address like that to prevent attack from spam bots that scour the web for email addresses.


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