Jim, the character in The Office (US) who plays the part Tim did in the original "The Office" uses a Powerbook. If you pay attention (not that you aren't), most characters in most Prime Time TV shows use Macs. For instance, the annoying kid in Surface uses an iMac, and Carrie from Sex in the City used a Powerbook G3 (that was a more obvious example). I'm sure we would have seen at least two characters from Lost use Macs if they hand't crashed on the island. Great show. If you follow the show, you should check out the podcast, you get to hear interviews with the cast and two of the writers talk about the show. Obviously they don't explain any of the mysteries, but it's still interesting.
Gregory House was seen using a DS a few times last (first) season. Last episode, House was seen playing a PSP. Wonder what happened there...
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