Found this image somewhere; can't remember where. Thought it was funny...enjoy. Basically, it's making fun of Real Player and all the buffering it must do when streaming media over
THE CLOUD. I, for one, don't come accross many .rm files (Real Media) so cannot agree or disagree with Real Player and all its apparent buffering. For those of you who don't really know what buffering is, I asked
google to define it for me; here are a few of my results:
A process that stores data in memory for a set period of time before transmitting it to the recipient.
Describes a situation which occurs when a streaming media player is saving portions of a streaming media file to local storage for playback. Most streaming media players buffer a small percentage of a streaming media presentation before beginning to play it. Buffering also may occur in the middle of a presentation, when available bandwidth does not match the presentation's required bandwidth.
The ability of a substance to reduce shock and cushion against pH fluctuations.
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