If you haven't heard the news, Isaac Haynes, the voice actor for Chef from South Park quit. He quit because he fealt that Matt Stone and Trey Parker (the creators of South Park) had gone too far in their satire of religion:
"There is a place in this world for satire, but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry towards religious beliefs of others begins ... Religious beliefs are sacred to people, and at all times should be respected and honored" - Isaac Hayes
Matt Stone responded to this statement saying that "this is 100 percent having to do with his faith of Scientology... He has no problem — and he's cashed plenty of checks — with our show making fun of Christians."
Anyways, I just saw the first episode of the tenth season of South Park, and just as I (and many others) predicted, the episode revolved around the events I just described.
Basically, the whole premise of the episode is this: Chef has just returned from his trip with with Super Adventurers. Soon after he arrives, the town starts noticing Chef's abnormal behaviour, which was cleverly portrayed by using old Chef soundbytes when he would speak. They soon find out what has changed about Chef; he wants to molest children. Don't worry, they had more classes than this. The kids then visit the Super Adventurers to find out what happened to Chef. They discover that these group of adventurers travel the world to molest children of different nations and cultures and had brainwashed Chef into desiring the same. The metaphor became OH SO CLEAR at this point. The Super Adventurers brainwashing Chef is a metaphor for, you guessed it, the Scientologists brainwashing Isaac Hayes. It didn't stop there either, the head Super Adventurer described how they came to be and it was VERY (and on purpose) reminicent of how they described the story behind Scientology; I suggest you watch that episode first (it's called "Trapped in the Closet"). Anyways, the kids are trying to unbrainwash Chef when the Super Adventurers kidnap him and take him back to their "clubhouse". The kids go after them, rescue Chef and are about to escape when Chef decides that he truly wants to be a Super Adventurer and returns to the clubhouse. Except as he is walking across a wodden suspension bridge, it breaks and he falls into a casm where he is implailed by a rock and ripped apart by a mouintain liion and a bear. Naturally, we hear "THEY KILLED CHEF! ... YOU BASTARDS!". A funeral scene follows where Kyle speaks out about Chef exclaiming how no one chould get mad at Chef for returning to the Super Adventurers, but rather, should get mad at the Super Adventurers for brainwashing him. This is the moral to the whole episode and was a very nice end to the episode.
I cannot wait to hear what Isaac Hayes has to say about this; it was clear that Matt and Trey were hurt that Isaac would leave them like that and hate that he has been "brainwashed" by Scientologists.
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