Thursday, April 13, 2006

My Name In The New York Times.

There is a small chance that you may remember a post I wrote a long while ago regarding the oddity of my domain name, Why didn't I buy Well, as I explained in that post, is taken; it does, however, only redirect you to, which pisses me off even more; it's just a redirecting domain. Anyways, is a blog some guy wrote to essentially document his sons whole life, his son Luke, Luke Seeley. Anyways, looks like Luke and his Dad found their 15 minutes of fame: There was an article written about them in the New York Times. Not only does this kid have a website dedicated to him at such an early life, but he also has his own email address: Something weird to note: Luke Seeley was born in Vancouver Washington, where as I was born in Vancouver British Columbia. I just noticed a typo, that I have had to deal with all my life, in the article: "...obscure domain name like lukeseely.ce..." It's SEELEY; not Seely, or Sealy, or Sealey. My dad's even had people call him Mr. Feeley. PS: my domain name is lukees because my full name is Luke Edgar Seeley.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this may offend you, but I found this post of yours extremely funny! Especially the last part! :D

April 13, 2006  

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