Friday, April 21, 2006

A New Format: Follow-Up.

I've prepared a template for my reviews and am already thinking about albums I want to review. However, as I'm not reading my blog, my only real motive for writing these reviews is to make it easier for me to make consistent posts, practice writing both words and html/css code, and to further promote myself, my blog, and my useless website. So, in an attempt to make my blog more interactive for the user, I will take suggestions for albums to review; keep in mind, I either have to already own the album or be willing to purchase it. Therefore, though I have nothing against the genre, do not suggest country albums. I am essentially open to most other genres.

Assuming no albums are suggested (which I am), I will merely choose an album from my iTunes library that I feel I can write about. I will not only review five-star albums, this would obviously turn my blog into more of a music recommendation blog than a review blog. I will also never review very similar bands two weeks in a row as to not exclude any particular minority or majority of my readers; I am, of course, assuming I have consistent readers. Finally, I will try to not only review an album once a week, but post mini-reviews of albums as well, where I will write a paragraph's worth of text. This way I can keep myself from going crazy over the ever-expanding queue of albums I want to review.

If you have any other ideas of how I can make this blog more interesting for you, please let me know, either via commenting on this post or by emailing me at leseeley [at]


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