I stumbled accross this womens
site yesterday that is dedicated to the song she created entitled, "I Love My Mac". During the song she says that her favourite Mac App is
Garage Band, so I'm guessing she used it to create this song. It is cute that she went through all this trouble to create this song, but I just find her voice so completely annoying.
OMFG. It appears she has even created a music video, which allows you to see thousands of pictures of Mac products while listening to her song...she probably used
iMovie. Also, judging the site's theme, she must have used
Rapid Weaver.
The worst part of all of this is the international versions, which appear to feature guest vocalists! All in all, it is cool that she went through all this trouble to create this song+video+site; it's just a shame the song is so terribly annoying.
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