The Greatest Man I Ever Did Meet.

One such faculty member phoned me on Monday to let me know he would be switching offices on Thursday and that he may need help setting up his computer in his new office. On Thursday morning, one of my fellow employees received his call; he asked for me and told me that he would be moving to his new office in a few hours and that he may phone for assistance. His behavior reminded me a lot of my parents: they assume they do not know how to do anything technology-related and always call upon me for assistance for even the most simple of tasks.
A few hours later, I was chatting with an employee in the back room when I was called to the front desk; THE GUY was standing there, waiting for me. He told me that he was moving to his new office now and would like me to set up his computer. I agreed and met him at his new office, a few floors above. It turned out that he had one of the simplest computers to set up: a Mac. To be more precise, he had a Blue G3 iMac (they were later painted all white and called eMacs and have since been retired). Within a few minutes it was set up; all I had to do was plug both the power adapter and ethernet cable into the wall and plug the keyboard (with the mouse plugged into it) into the eMac. I then booted it up to make sure it was in fact connected to the internet; it was.
So why is this at all worth writing about? Well before I left, the following conversation transpired:
THE GUY: Would it be okay if I brought some chocolate down to the help desk for you?
ME: yeah.
THE GUY: Do you like chocolate?
ME: Definitely, I eat it all the time (I was smiling of course).
THE GUY: I would have brought you some alcohol, but I’d get in trouble.
ME: Yeah...probably.
THE GUY: I would bring down a case of beer otherwise.
ME: (I made some awkward laugh + comment combo I’m sure)
Well, this morning, he came by with a small bag from Shoppers Drugmart. It was filled with 4 specialty chocolate bars. This man is the nicest guy I have ever met. He was so kind and pleasant throughout all my conversations with him. He actually went out of his way to pay me back for the small (to me at least) service I provided for him. Not only did he act nice, he even had the nicest voice and demeanor about him as well. This guy was a saint; he would not hurt a fly. The point of this post? I met the nicest guy and got so much fucking chocolate.
hesssss gaaaayyyyyyyy
he wants to pound your ass.
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