Monday, May 22, 2006

My Ad.

I restrained myself from posting about the new MacBook (see image) that has consumed most of my web-surfing over the past week. I have been going back and forth on the decision to sell my powerbook to buy a shiny new white MacBook. I finally decided to try and sell and see how much I could get for it. If I can get $1400 for it, then it means I only need to spend an additionally to get an upgraded (RAM and HD) white MacBook. This is essentially the same amount of money I was about to spend on a gig stick of RAM for my powerbook. So instead of getting RAM, I could possibly get an entirely better (except for graphics processing) notebook. Anyways...I posted an ad on's classified. However, I went above and beyond and created a movie and website to advertise my powerbook.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"website" = broken link?

May 23, 2006  
Blogger luke seeley said...

thanks. fixed.

May 23, 2006  

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